It has been said that she was eccentric, introverted, charismatic, provocative, highly theatrical and frenetically obsessed with her image and the search of self… We are speaking of the elusory Francesca Woodman (Denver, 1958 – New York, 1981), who is inaugurating the autumn season at Fundación Canal with Ser un ángel / On being an angel, a solo exhibition that includes her most representative works with 102 photographs and 6 short films.
With born talent at a young age, Woodman created a photographic corpus infused with symbolism. Her images are mainly focused on the female body in general, and her own in particular. She took her self portraits in the nude, twisted, semi-hidden, disguised and blurred in abandoned, nearly phantasmagorical locations. In her photographs, we find references to a fragile and ethereal, yet gloomy beauty, many times on bucolic and decadent stages. After her tragic suicide in 1981, Francesca Woodman became a cult photographer who, even today, still sparks debate and leaves hanging questions. This all forms part of the mysterious aura around her person, present in each one of the photographs in this exhibition, whose title refers to one of the artist’s favourite themes: “on being an angel.”
Business days and holidays: 11:00 to 20:00h.
Wednesday: 11:00 to 15:00h