Uncover drains with your mobile and win prizes!
¡Agua va!, the first augmented reality app that interacts with Madrid’s drains, already has winners. For more than three months, Madrid’s inhabitants joined fun characters to discover 10 good habits related to caring for water.
The application allowed players to participate in a drawing for 4 smartphones with a personalised case and a mobile car magnet for each one of them. The prize winners are:
Developed by Fundación Canal in collaboration with Canal de Isabel II, the app highlights some of the important tasks Canal de Isabel II does regarding the comprehensive water cycle, and also shows us what we can do to care for our planet. The awareness campaign took place from 19/09/2020 to 10/01/2021.
¡Agua va! is an environmental awareness project designed for all citizens and tourists in the Community of Madrid. It aims to raise awareness in Madrid’s population on how to care for and properly use water, granting water the importance it deserves, and return it to the value it has held throughout history. Many of these habits have to do with what happens on a daily basis underneath our feet, in the drainage and sanitation facilities managed by Canal de Isabel II.
1- Download the app on Google Play or App Store
2- Select one of the three game zones
3- Discover the 10 scenes and, have fun!
4- Participate in our drawings, win a Smartphone and other prizes.
Once the participant has downloaded the app onto their mobile, they can use the phone to scan the QR code located on top of selected drains to bring augmented-reality 3D characters to the scene. There is a total of 10 scenes to complete the game. In each one of the scenes, the characters give us important messages related to water.
Indeed, given the important role of the drain and sanitation facilities that Canal de Isabel II manages, and being near or belonging to the city’s green zones, several drains were selected at the following locations in Madrid to use the ¡Agua va! app on: El Buen Retiro Park (pond area), around the Ríos Rosas Park (Canal de Isabel II area) and near the IV Depósito Park (Fundación Canal area).
The app was developed by engineering company Syltec for Fundación Canal, and will be available for download in the App Store and Google Play, free of cost.
The characters in these augmented-reality scenes are two entertaining opposites: Toxi and Doña Gotita. She is smiling, hard-working, sharp, clean and very ecological. He is grumpy, sarcastic, scatological, smelly and noisy. They are both in charge of sharing environmental messages with participants through amusing dialogues, showing both good and bad behaviour in terms of water and caring for the climate.
Participants who discover the 10 environmental messages in the drains with the app enter a drawing for 4 smartphones with a personalised case and a hands-free magnet for their car.
This unique initiative also allows participants to take original pictures with their phones, since they can join their faces with the augmented-reality characters (Toxi and Doña Gotita). But if they also share their pictures on Instagram, mentioning @FundacionCanal (and follow the account) with the hashtag #AguaVa, they can win a cutting-edge activity bracelet.
Instagram users can be influencers for water care, too, and win wireless headphones. All they need to do is upload a picture or video with the hashtag #AguaVaChallenge and mention @FundacionCanal (and follow the account) to participate in the drawing.
You may view the app’s privacy policy at this link.