On the centenary of André Breton’s first Manifesto of Surrealism (Manifeste du surréalisme, 1924), Fundación Canal is hosting an exhibition that reveals the influence that the machine exerted on the Surrealist movement, until now little explored. In New York, after the First World War, art embraces industrialisation, the machine takes centre stage as an object of art and at the same time becomes a critical instrument for its creation. It is the opening of a path that leads to contemporary art.
More than 100 works, presented in four sections: The New World and “pure photography”; From the artistic nude to the body as a machine; From abstraction to the machine; and Eros and machine.
With pieces by Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, Francis Picabia and Alfred Stieglitz, artists who broke with the academicist tradition and entered a new era of modernity: the age of the machine.
Curator: Pilar Parcerisas