Carlos Edistio Miragaya Pitera won first prize for the photography contest La ciudad se mueve (The City Moves), hosted by Fundación Canal and PHotoESPAÑA with a 1,000 euro cash prize. The jury also awarded two second prizes, for the amount of 500 euros each, to José Asensio Villaescusa and Natalia Garcés Fernández. The contest, which invited participants to share images through Instagram, received 3,400 submissions that portrayed a recovery in activity and the urban pace of life after the end of the state of alarm.
Entitled #LaCiudadSeMueve (TheCityMoves), this year’s edition encouraged people to depict how activity and the urban pace of life have been recovered after the end of the state of alarm by means of photographs that communicate life and movement in the city. Under the PHotoESPAÑA 2021 audience activities section, Fundación Canal and PHotoESPAÑA hosted this photography contest in order to provide incentive for photographic creativity. Of the 3,424 photographs received, the organisation selected 98 that were included in a photo gallery that can be viewed on the festival webpage (
The jury included Claude Bussac, Director of PHotoESPAÑA, Cristian Ruiz Orfila, Assistant Director of Fundación Canal, and Anne Morin, Director of diChroma Photography. Criteria for selecting images included originality, matching the contest’s theme, image processing, and the use of different photographic resources.
Along with the photography contest, #LaCiudadSeMueve was accompanied by a new round of Saturday Photoworkshops, given by PHotoESPAÑA educators in Fundación Canal’s gardens during the month of June. Over 150 children gained in-depth knowledge of photography and experimented with compositions inspired by the exhibition Léger. La búsqueda de un nuevo orden (Léger. Search for a new Order).
1st prize: 1,000 euros
Two second prizes: 500 euros