This study was presented at Innovation Day 2023.
It analyzes the implications of the current state of the taxonomy regulation (as of November 2022) to help professionals in the water, environment, and sustainability sectors, public administrations, financial organizations, and others affected by this recent system to comply with its requirements.
Although the system is still under development, it involves compliance with various reporting obligations, such as those related to activity, finance, investment, and other related reporting requirements.
The study will help water-related companies to:
• Know what the green taxonomy regulations consist of, its huge importance and how to apply it.
• Identify how much of their activity is potentially taxonomic.
• Define the requirements that must be achieved to be taxonomic.
• Understand the obligations that entails being within the scope of application of taxonomic regulations.
This study is a translated version of the report ‘La taxonomía verde europea en las actividades ligadas al agua,’ which was originally drafted in Spanish for Fundación Canal, in collaboration with Canal de Isabel II, by Emgrisa.