Artistic intervention Siete lemas por el agua (Seven Slogans for Water)
Fundación Canal celebrates World Environment Day with an artistic intervention on the façade of its headquarters, based on the winning submissions from the school contest Siete lemas por el agua (Seven Slogans for Water).
This contest began last March for World Water Day and sought to foster creativity and raise awareness in Madrid’s schoolchildren for proper water use.
Seven slogans for water, seven winning schools
Selected from over 400 submissions from 42 of Madrid’s schools, the winning slogans stand out with their ability to briefly and originally communicate the importance of water in all or some of the aspects related to life, prosperity, health, and well-being.
Tú eres agua, cuídala (You Are Water, Care For It), IES Clara Campoamor (Móstoles)/ 3rd ESO D
Ahorremos hoy el agua de mañana (Save Tomorrow’s Water Today). Colegio Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)/ 6th Primary D
Gotas de vida, océanos de cambio (Drops of Life, Oceans of Change). Colegio Jesús María (Madrid) / 4th ESO C (Project Group)
¡Madrid, el agua hecha ciudad, no perdamos nuestra identidad! (Madrid, water made city, let’s not lose our identity!) IES Lope de Vega (Madrid) / 3rd ESO B-C
Agua: nutriendo la tierra, alimentando el alma, conectando al mundo (Water: nurturing earth, feeding the soul, connecting the world). Colegio Hermanos Amorós (Madrid)/ 3rd ESO B
Agua viene, agua va. No la dejemos escapar (Water Comes, Water Goes. Don’t Let It Escape). IES Las Rozas 1 (Las Rozas) / 4th ESO (2nd Diversification)
Cada gota tiene el poder de transformar nuestro mundo (Each Drop Has the Power to Transform Our World). Colegio Mercedarias (Tres Cantos) /5th Primary C
140 students from the winning classes came to the foundation with their teachers to collect their awards. They enjoyed an environmental awareness workshop, led by actors from Impromadrid.