(Estimated reading time: 2,58 minutes) – Audio version of article available. Energy is an essential part of life. It meets human needs all while creating industrial, commercial, and social wealth. However, producing energy from fossil fuels increases climate change and degrades air quality, which deteriorates ecosystems and is harmful to health. Spain’s current energy model…
Read MoreElectric Mobility
(Estimated reading time: 4,40 minutes) – Audio version of article available. Sustainable mobility, energy efficiency, and rolling out renewable energies are three vertices on a triangle that is fundamental in the fight against climate change. Like traffic signals, it is warning us about the danger of not taking action in time. Electrifying all economic sectors…
Read MoreRenewables and Energy Dependency
(Estimated reading time: 3,38 minutes) – Audio version of article available. Increased installed capacity for renewable technologies in Spain is essential if we wish to achieve independence from foreign energy sources. This situation is structural and affects us both in terms of international raw fossil material markets and their impact on prices, and in terms…
Read MoreSelf-supply. Let’s go up to the roof!
(Estimated reading time: 4.52 minutes) – Audio version of article available. Around 3,000 hours of sunshine per year is energy potential that should be used. Solar power is one of the aces up Spain’s sleeve to reduce foreign energy dependency (around 74% (INE (National Statistics Institute), 2019)), to stop using fossil fuels that must be…
Read MoreWhat is this hydrogen thing?
(Estimated reading time: 4.4 minutes) – Audio version of article available. Hydrogen (H2) is not a fuel, but an energy vector. Energy vectors are substances or devices that store energy, such that it can later be released in a controlled fashion. This stored energy can be produced by different power sources; some of them with…
Read MoreReforestation, its role as carbon sink and success stories
(Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) – Audio version of article available. Reforestation is a powerful tool to mitigate climate change. Forests reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Plants capture it during photosynthesis and hold it in their tissue, leaves, and roots, putting oxygen back into the atmosphere. This also helps to regenerate the…
Read MoreBenefits of Sustainable Energy
Do you want to learn how sustainable energy improves your life (and the planet’s)? Just like environmental journalist Adela Ucar, Fundación Canal believes that one cannot love what they do not know. Which is why we asked her to help us to discover the advantages and benefits of sustainable energy use in the city. Will…
Read MoreSelf-Supply in Homeowner Communities
(Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) – Audio version of article available. One of Royal Decree 244/2019’s greatest achievements was allowing residents in a homeowner community to share a self-supply installation (MITECO, 2020), a much-needed leg up to promote the solar sector in Spain, given that most of the population lives in cities and in blocks…
Read MoreMore renewables for more economic development
(Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) – Audio version of article available. The benefits of expanding renewable energy in our country, rich in resources like sun and wind, are well-known to all. They help to reduce pollution (and the health problems this causes (European Environment Agency, 2019)), and fight climate change by promoting decarbonisation and reduced…
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