Muchas novedades en nuestra oferta educativa
¿Estáis interesados durante este curso en profundizar en la temática del agua y el medio ambiente? ¿Buscáis actividades extraescolares educativas para vuestros alumnos?
Rural schools of Nicaragua
Have you ever wondered what a school without a lavatory would be like? Nicaragua is the poorest country in Central America and only half the population have proper access to sanitation.
Is it a boat or a school?
Because of climate change, many schools are affected year after year for different reasons. This is the case of teacher Mohammed Rezwan’s school in Bangladesh, where it’s estimated that at least one fifth of the country gets flooded during the monsoon season.
Canal Educa... ¡In English!
¿Todavía no has participado en las actividades bilingües de Canal Educa? Desde hace tres años, Canal Educa, viene realizando sus actividades presenciales de mayor éxito también en inglés.
The WET Project, water and education
Are there any programmes similar to Canal Educa in other parts of the planet? We really had trouble finding one! A few years ago, the UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and the Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) Foundation joined their efforts to provide education about water.