Julietas, scientists at school
Let’s go exploring, strolling, sniffing and looking through new eyes at nature! Thanks to a group of scientists, journalists and popularisers, several girls at schools in Chile have had the chance to savor science in the natural environment.
El CEIP Guindalera prueba Saneápolis
En Canal Educa hemos querido averiguar cómo ha ido el estreno de Saneápolis en los centros educativos. Para ello hemos entrevistado a Margarita Iglesias, coordinadora de bilingüismo en el CEIP Guindalera (Madrid).
Saving wood in Haiti’s school kitchens
On 21 March we’re celebrating the International Day of Forests to emphasise the importance they have in our lives.
Living labs, a laboratory on a South African river
What if we move the laboratory to the river? That was the question they asked at Cedar House school, in Cape Town, when they decided to hold a living lab to mark World Water Day.
In Canada, the forest is school
Did you know there’s a school for children between three and five where they spend most of the time in the natural surroundings and not in the classroom?